JUARA Skincare
JUARA Skincare

6 Ways To Use Black Tea For Glowing Skin

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Is Black Tea Good For Your Skin

You may know some of the health benefits of drinking black tea, but were you aware that it can help you get glowing, beautiful skin?

Take a look at these six ways you can incorporate black tea into your skin care ritual.

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1. Black tea helps minimize the signs of premature aging

Black tea is popular in various parts of the world and is one of the most consumed beverages, right up there with water. Known in China as red tea (for its slightly reddish tint), it comes from two different forms of the camellia sinensis tea plant, namely camellia sinensis sinensis and camellia sinensis assamica.

Don't worry, there won't be a quiz at the end of this post. However, if you want to learn a little more about black tea, you can read more here.

Black tea, like green tea and other types of tea, can naturally address a variety of health issues. Not only can black tea help with energy levels and blood pressure, but it's also been known to improve metabolism and improve digestive health.

The antioxidants and compounds found in black tea can also improve skin health. Let's explore how.

Overexposure to the sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays can cause various forms of skin damage that make us look older, and may even result in serious health risks.

Prevention is always a preferred method when dealing with UV exposure, so while you want to incorporate sun protection (like applying sunscreen, wearing hats, or staying in the shade), there are also natural remedies that can address some of this damage.

The polyphenols present in black tea may reduce some of the damage done by free radicals. 

JUARA’s Sweet Black Tea & Rice Moisturizer is a stellar example of skin care that incorporates age-defying polyphenols, which possess both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Polyphenols protect the skin against some UV radiation, preventing potential damage. They also enhance skin cell growth, helping rejuvenate the complexion and give it a glow. 

This moisturizer makes an enormous difference for dull, dry skin. 

Not only does this formula contain fermented sweet black tea, but it also boasts beautifying botanical body oils that nourish skin and leave it feeling velvety soft. 

Fermented sweet black tea, commonly called kombucha, fixes fine lines by neutralizing the effects of free radicals. It lends your complexion some of the luster you may have lost over the years. 

Kombucha tea contains several B vitamins that bring brightness, energy, and vitality to the skin. 

The other botanicals are busy at work as well. Nourishing avocado oil, illipe butter, and rice bran oil are filled with the fatty acids that soften and replenish skin. They support that moisture barrier that makes the skin function properly. 

In addition, the Sweet Black Tea & Rice Moisturizer has hydrating hyaluronic acid, and collagen-promoting five flavor berry.

However, we think it's the probiotic properties of the fermented sweet black tea that take this particular skin care product to the next level.

Chinese black tea benefits skin stimulates hair growth lowers blood pressure and more

2. Banish those blemishes with black tea

This powerful probiotic kombucha, also known as “Teh Ajaib” (Magic Tea in the Indonesian language), has made its way into more than one of JUARA's skin care concoctions.

As we've mentioned in previous posts, JUARA is inspired by Jamu, an Indonesian beauty and wellness tradition that takes a holistic approach to overall health. It acknowledges that beauty is bolstered by self-care and connection to one's community and nature.

Kombucha is invigorating for the body, both inside and out.

Not only is this ingredient known as a longevity drink throughout Asia, but people are becoming more aware of the benefits of black tea for the skin. 

The Sweet Black Tea and Ginger Oil Free Moisturizer by JUARA harnesses the ability of this fermented black tea to help flush out toxins that contribute to breakouts and other such skin problems. 

It's oil and fragrance free, making this moisturizer ideal for people with oily and acne-prone skin, even if they have some sensitivities. 

The benefits of black tea for skin go beyond flushing out those aforementioned toxins. Black tea is rich in antioxidants, which fight the free radicals that can make skin more prone to congestion and other dysfunctions. 

Black tea is also a natural astringent, meaning it can help reduce oil by having a drying and tightening effect. It can get rid of some of that greasiness while still preserving the natural shine that makes for beautiful skin.

You can always dab some cold black tea on a blemish and see if that helps address the issue. Of course, tea isn't the only active ingredient in this product.

In addition to the black tea benefits in this JUARA moisturizer, there's also all the goodness of ginger and cinnamon.

Cinnamon has natural antioxidant and anti-bacterial properties, providing protection as well as some acne-fighting power. It's a great ingredient to incorporate if you have oily skin.

Ginger is invigorating and revitalizing for the skin. It even acts as a gentle astringent and will absorb excess oil and draw out impurities from the skin.

The organic acids in this botanical blend smooth the skin and purify the pores. On top of all that, hyaluronic acid attracts moisture to the skin, plumping it up and perfecting the complexion. 

The Sweet Black Tea and Ginger Oil Free Moisturizer is a cream-gel that gives you the kind of glow you want. 

Black tea has many health benefits that may help collagen production and even hair growth

3. Try black tea for skin brightening

The sun's rays can wreak havoc on the skin. They are the bane of many beauty experts and skin care specialists. We know they exacerbate wrinkles, cause dark spots, and lead to other skin issues that cause serious concern.

In fact, if you notice major changes in moles, pigmentation, or growths on your skin, you should seek professional medical advice. Along with sun protection, early detection is key.

We all need vitamin D, and the sun is a great source. However, sun exposure is related to several skin-related problems. Hyperpigmentation is one of those.

Pigmentation means coloring. Hyperpigmentation (hyper meaning "more") is a common condition that makes certain areas of the skin darker.

The skin's pigmentation is due to the amount of melanin it contains. The more melanin you have, the darker your skin will be. If your skin makes less melanin, it will be lighter. 

There can be changes in your body's production of melanin. 

When the cells that produce melanin get damaged, it affects melanin production, and thus the coloration of your skin. Life events like pregnancy can affect your pigmentation, as can sun exposure.

Lighter skin tends to develop freckles and dark spots, while darker skin can become patchy. Generally, people are aiming to maintain an even skin tone, especially if changes have occurred due to sun exposure.

Here's where the benefits of black tea for skin come in. 

Black tea is known to lessen skin pigmentation that has been caused by harmful sun rays. There have even been some studies to back up these observations.

A 2011 study on guinea pigs found that black tea water lightened their dark spots. Researchers applied the black tea water twice a day, six days a week. After four weeks, the spots were measurably lighter.

You can recreate this hyperpigmentation black tea treatment at home. All that's required are tea bags (or tea leaves), hot water, and some cotton balls.

Make your hot black tea, letting the leaves or bag steep for several minutes. Dip a cotton ball in the tea and apply it to areas of hyperpigmentation, two times per day, just like in the study. Try it every day, and after just a few weeks you could see a noticeable difference.

Black tea benefits include skin whitening effects and address other skin related problems

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4. Black tea to reduce redness and irritation

Both black tea and green tea have skin benefits. The antioxidants and compounds present in black and green teas (as well as some other teas) can help reduce inflammation in the body.

Green tea contains a catechin - a natural antioxidant - called epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG). It appears to be one of the main compounds that gives green tea its medicinal properties. 

These substances help prevent damage to cells by reducing free radical formation.

Green tea contains more catechins than black tea, which undergoes oxidation during the manufacturing process. 

Black tea, on the other hand, contains complex thearubigins and theaflavins. These are products formed from catechins during the enzymatic oxidation of tea. They also have antioxidant activity.

Because antioxidants help protect tissue from damage, they thwart some inflammatory responses from occurring in the first place. 

That means taking time for tea (both topically and sipping on it regularly) can be beneficial for several skin ailments that are associated with inflammation, such as seborrheic dermatitis, eczema, and psoriasis. The flaking and itching that results from these chronic conditions might be reduced with some skin-care products that contain antioxidant-rich teas.

Knowledge of the soothing properties of teas has been passed down for generations. The antioxidants present play a pivotal role. 

You can look for green tea or black tea in the ingredient list of skin care products the next time you're looking for a relaxing moisturizer or mask, or simply go straight to the source and place tea bags or tea water where there's swelling or discomfort. 

5. Try black tea as a toner for a firming & rejuvenating effect 

We know we've said it before, but since UV radiation can lead to wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, and even skin cancer, it's important to protect your skin whenever and however you can.

Researchers found that drinking black tea may provide some protection for the skin and even reduce the risk of skin issues resulting from excessive UV exposure. As other studies have shown, applying it topically can also improve certain skin conditions. 

Since virtually all signs of premature aging and aging, in general, are exacerbated by sun exposure, it's not surprising that black tea may take a few years off your face, especially when coupled with an anti-aging hand cream to boot. 

Those wrinkles and sun spots can be diminished by the free-radical fighting antioxidant properties in black tea (and green tea as well, of course, but that's a tea for another time). Antioxidants may also slow wrinkle formation in the first place.

Since black tea benefits include some anti-inflammatory effects that reduce puffiness, those eye bags that age us so much can be minimized with regular application of tea. 

In addition, tea's high caffeine content means it's a great ingredient for tightening and toning our skin. It's been posited that the caffeine in green tea and black tea (just like in black coffee) can constrict the blood vessels and potentially reduce swelling and inflammation.

Overall, as a natural astringent, tea has great potential as a toner.

Black tea is rejuvenating as an antioxidant astringent

6. Black tea helps skin heal itself

The catechins and flavonoids present in black tea may have the power to help you fight a skin infection.

The black tea benefits for your skin include self-healing or even skin regeneration capabilities. In other words, consuming or applying tea can give your body what it needs to fight against skin infections.

Skin is the body's largest organ, and it requires intentional and careful care. Most skin infections occur because of an overabundance of bacteria. 

Tea catechins, flavonoids, and tannins (all types of polyphenols) may help address this bacteria and prevent skin infections. Drinking or applying black tea (in addition to taking any prescribed medication) could help the healing process. 

Again, there is research to support these ideas.

One study suggests that applying a black tea extract on lab rat wounds can accelerate the healing process. After 10 days, researchers also observed that there was less inflammation and more collagen present in the subjects. 

Again, this is a study that was conducted by professional scientists with various controls in place, so if you have a flesh wound it's definitely recommended you seek medical advice rather than loading yourself up with tea bags. 

Still, there is something to be said about black tea for skin infections. It bolsters the skin's fighting potential and overall resilience when it comes to warding off environmental aggressors - similar to how an exfoliating scrub can promote skin cell turnover. 

Our skin regenerates itself rather quickly after a wound, and tea can further speed that along.

So is black tea good for your skin? It seems that the answer is a resounding yes.

We've discussed many black tea benefits and how it can help give you beautiful skin. However, tea has many other health benefits that go beyond our skin care rituals.

There's some evidence that drinking a few cups of black tea (or green tea) per day can lead to a reduced risk of cardiovascular mortality, coronary heart disease, and some other diseases. If you find tea a bit bitter, there's nothing like some organic honey to sweeten it up.

Here's some more information about what happens to your body if you're drinking black tea daily.

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Juara Skincare incorporates ancient rituals with western skincare science creating the ultimate beauty experience. We aim to transport you from the mundane to the extraordinary with our exotic ingredients, intoxicating scents, and powerful, skin-improving formulas. All of our products are nutrient-rich, and botanically based. We are proud to be certified cruelty-free. Get the latest skin care tips and info on Juara products by following us on TwitterFacebookInstagramLinkedInand Pinterest.